AOA/CORD Interview Offer Recommended Guidelines for Orthopaedic Surgery Residency Programs

Updated March 2024

AOA’s Council of Orthopaedic Residency Directors (CORD) recommends all CORD member programs participate in the Universal Interview Offer Day for the 2024-2025 Orthopaedic Residency Match process on November 18, 2024 at 12:00pm ET.

When interview offers are extended, there will be a 24-hour moratorium on accepting interviews. Following this moratorium, applicants will have 48 hours to schedule interviews.

Key Dates

Monday, November 18, 12:00pm ET

Universal Interview Offer Day

Programs extend interview offers to applicants.

Tuesday, November 19, 12:00pm ET

Interview Acceptance Period

Applicants can begin accepting interview offers during a 48-hour window.

Thursday, November 21, 12:00pm ET

Interview Acceptance Window Closes

If an applicant declines/does not respond by Thursday, November 21, 12:00pm ET, the program may extend an invitation to another applicant.

Important Universal Interview Offer Day Details

Participating Programs and Applicants: Please review these detailed procedures here.

  • All programs will send interview offers on Monday, November 18, 12:00pm ET.
  • Programs should only offer as many interview spots as they have available.
  • CORD recommends programs should consider sending invitation, waitlist, or rejection letters to applicants on this date.
  • A 24-hour moratorium on accepting or scheduling interviews will follow.
    • During the moratorium, applicants should review their invitations with faculty mentors, advisors, family, or others who can help create a plan for which and how many interviews to accept.
    • Applicants should not reach out to programs during these 24 hours.
    • Programs should not accept/confirm early responses during these 24 hours.
  • Beginning Tuesday, November 19, 12:00pm ET, applicants can accept offers.
  • Each applicant will have 48 hours to respond to the program without fear of the offer being rescinded.
  • If an applicant declines/does not respond by Thursday, November 21, 12:00pm ET, the program may extend an invitation to another applicant.
  • There will be no set timeline for the second or any subsequent waves of interview offers, which may be offered at the program’s discretion.
  • Programs should add their UOD participation in the “Current Season” section of the Orthopaedic Residency Information Network (ORIN®).

Orthopaedic Residency Programs choosing to participate in Universal Interview Offer Day should record this in the Orthopaedic Residency Information Network (ORIN). Applicants should not reach out to programs during the 24-hour moratorium (Monday, November 18, 12:00pm ET through Tuesday, November 19, 12:00pm ET).

Participating programs must log into the ORIN to submit this information. 

To look up participation, navigate to ORIN. In the left hand column, find “Participating in Universal Offer Day.” Select Yes. This filter will display all participating programs. Click on a specific program to view more information about their current application season.

CORD Member Programs that desire to participate in the Universal Interview Offer Day must login to ORIN with your credentials and record this information. This information will be stored under the “Current Season” tab. Please note:

  • On November 18, 2024, programs should send invitation, waitlist, or rejection letters to applicants on this date.
  • Programs should not accept/confirm early responses during the 24-hour moratorium (Monday, November 18, 12:00pm ET through Tuesday, November 19, 12:00pm ET).
